Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dear Comrades

Dear Comrades 
By Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

Comrades, there is no “us” to be found
but in a careless slip "us" comes to be.
Once awareness recovers, “us” disappears.
Ending this “us” business is good for all.

Dear Comrade, why not remove the "us"-ing
and, while you’re at it, the "them"-ing, too.
Living only with wisdom and kindness;
don't let "us" and "them" hang around. 

Look on the Good Side

They have their nasty aspects — who cares!
Choose only the good stuff that they have,
of benefit to the world and attractive.
As for the bad stuff, don't bother yourself.

To find someone who is good in all respects
Don't wander foolishly, friends, on the search,
Like a quest for the turtle's whiskers, dying for nothing.
So get used to looking on the good side — more value.


You shouldn't go reeking and puffing at flaws.
A moment's carelessness will bite hard, so put off
Making a mess and wasting time for nothing at all.
See everything in a good light, that's good enough. 


The best way from http://www.suanmokkh.org

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